Fenix Flex


IVG Vinoflex Easy

Flexible hose with thermoplastic cover for suction and delivery of non fatty foods, phthalates free. Available with EasyShell clamp system.


Reg. EC 1935/04 and CE 2023/06. Phthalates free. PAHs free (acc. to ZEK 01.4-08 Cat. 1). Bisphenol A free. Heavy metal tested. FDA tit.21 art.177.2600 aqueous foods. BfR XXI Cat.2 foods. D.M. 21/03/73 aqueous and alcohol up to 96°. 


Hardwall corrugated hose, lightweight and flexible, for the suction and delivery of vintage wines and alcohols at 96°. Low friction cover. 
Temperature: from -40°C (-40°F) to +120°C (+248°F).


Tube: white, smooth, food quality, taste free and odourless IIR rubber. Contains no phthalates.
Reinforcementhigh strength synthetic cord plus steel helix wire.
Cover: red, corrugated, translucid thermoplastic material with low friction coefficient, weathering resistant.

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